For any product not available through our data sheet generator, please contact us at 713-465-3585.
Examples including but not limited to: unlisted pipe OD, pipe weight/wall, steel grade, coupling OD, or connection – pipe combination.
Specialty semi-premium connection machined from API Coupling Stock. The GB CD 4P Connection performances exceed that of standard API connections. Connection designed with 4-Pitch threadform for easy-stabbing, fast makeup without cross-threading.
Specialty semi-premium connection machined from heavy wall Coupling Stock and forged blanks. The GB CDE 4P Connection performances exceed that of standard API connections.
For any product not available through our data sheet generator, please contact us at 713-465-3585.
Examples including but not limited to: unlisted pipe OD, pipe weight/wall, steel grade, coupling OD, or connection – pipe combination.